Restored Hope Education Center is a learning center in Independence, MO that provides testing and assistance for those with learning difficulties. We work with adults and children and can also provide services at home or at another facility, under proper supervision. We’ve been implementing effective alternatives to standard methods of addressing reading and learning difficulties since the early 1980s and have become one of the premier remedial learning centers in the Midwest.
We provide a host of programs and services tailored to help those of all ages. Our programs are designed to remediate the underlying conditions that make learning very difficult or impossible. We’re not just a tutor or alternative to a learning disabilities classroom. We specialize in identifying the disabling impairment, helping provide treatment, and removing the barriers quickly and effectively. We work to eliminate the problem, rather than respond to the symptoms. We’ve seen positive results achieved very quickly by both adults and children who use Restored Hope Education Center. Sometimes students make improvement within a matter of weeks, and almost always within less than a year.
Mission Statement
To use advances and insights from brain research to provide appropriate testing, and effective intervention for learning difficulties; thereby removing the barriers that prevent children and adults from reaching and maintaining their created potential.
Fulfillment in Professions
We believe that all professions (other than those that cross legal or moral boundaries) are honorable. All such professions are needed by society, and all are important to society’s well-being.
We believe that individuals can experience great joy in working in professions that appeal uniquely to them. No person should be limited by learning impairments to professions that are less fulfilling to them than other professions they might desire to pursue.
Using all Learning Styles
We believe that human beings are created with processing systems that are designed to work together for optimum efficiency. Because of our unique make-ups we may naturally tend to prefer one learning style over another, but relying almost solely upon one learning style is inefficient, and likely reflects difficulties with the other processing systems.
The Brain can be “Rewired”
We believe that neuroscience research (the study of the brain’s function) shows clearly that the brain is remarkably “plastic”—that is, the brain’s neural networks can be strengthened, changed, and improved when properly stimulated. The brain can be “rewired” for more efficient functioning.
We believe that insights from neuroscience research have given birth to effective programs for correcting learning difficulties or have validated existing programs.
Correcting and Eliminating Learning Barriers
We believe that teaching individuals to adapt to, or compensate for, learning difficulties is less effective than eliminating the learning barrier. All efforts should be made to avoid adaptations, other than for short-term management of learning difficulties, if means for correcting the difficulties are available.
Neuroscience & Education
We believe that most future advances in education will occur at the intersection of neuroscience and education.
Stop guessing. Start testing. Contact Restored Hope for help with learning difficulties: (816) 254-9785